Test Case 20

Test methods for integration/interoperability assessment for building and resource-level management systems in participation with aggregation platform









ERIGrid 2.0



Test Case Definition

Name of the Test Case

Test methods for integration/interoperability assessment for building and resource-level management systems in participation with aggregation platform


With the increasing reliance of MV and LV level power systems on DERs, it becomes important to ensure a wide interoperability between different aggregation infrastructures and local management systems of DERs, including EVs, energy storages, PV, wind turbines, and smart buildings. Indicators for the achieved interoperability are the ease of transfer of a DER from one Virtual Power Plant (VPP) to another, the coordinated control and monitoring of the resources, and the potential for service matching among the providers. These processes depend on a functional information exchange between a central control and the DER control systems. This test case applies to aggregator platforms as well as peer-to-peer (P2P) trading platforms for energy community management. Two scales of the power system are within the scope of testing: MV/LV distribution networks and LV distribution feeders, each with the potential for various loads, renewable generation and demand side flexibility.

Function(s) under Investigation (FuI)
  • DER integration into a new platform
  • Communication for aggregation, service matching, fail-over, configuration and/or flexibility trade
  • Ancillary service provision under different scales of aggregation and control solutions
Object under Investigation (OuI)
  • Aggregator platforms / P2P trading platforms
  • Local management systems of buildings/resources
  • Aggregation infrastructure of power systems
Domain under Investigation (DuI)
  • Electrical power system
  • Control/ICT
  • Domain of final energy use
Purpose of Investigation (PoI)
  • PoI#1: Evaluate aggregator platforms / P2P trading platforms for capability of seamless integration of new DER participants
  • PoI#2: Evaluate local management systems of buildings/resources in terms of interoperability with platforms
  • PoI#3: Study the transfer process of DERs from one aggregation infrastructure to another
  • PoI#4: Validate operational capability of flexibility services directly after configuration of introduced DER
System under Test (SuT)
  • Aggregation infrastructures and platforms: energy sharing coordinators (control systems), communication systems, measuring and monitoring devices
  • Local energy communities (LECs): DERs (e.g., PV, wind turbines, energy storage systems, smart buildings), flexible loads (domestic), inflexible loads (e.g., ships)
  • Local management systems of buildings/resources and reactive power controllable equipment
  • Distribution system (lines, transformers, etc.): power distribution network (MV/LV) / LV distribution feeder
Functions under Test (FuT)

In-focus functions: Controlling functions of the systems (i.e., aggregator network management control methods, DER controlling, storage system controlling), DER configuration and integration

Emulated functions: Aggregator platform services

Actuation functions: Controllable loads, demand response signals

Observer functions: Monitoring of network properties (e.g., voltage, current, uncontrollable load)

Test criteria (TCR)
  • Seamless integration and configuration process
  • Applicability of DERs to various diverging aggregation infrastructures
  • Effective matching of available services and optimal dispatch
  • Scalability and flexibility of aggregation and control solutions
  • Functional communication for aggregator service provision
Target Metrics (TM)
  • Workload, time and cost of integration and configuration process
  • Software and operation adjustments required for control of additional DERs
  • Addition and improvement of aggregator services (in terms of fulfillment time, reliability, energy efficiency etc.)
Variability Attributes (VA)
  • Properties of connected networks (e.g., medium voltage, frequency, load)
  • Participating DERs (number & type)
  • Concurrent services (interference/synergy)
  • Platform specific requirements (e.g., coordination with traditional voltage support components for voltage regulation)
Quality Attributes (QA)
  • Stable grid operation and integrity (respecting power quality standard EN50160)
  • Interoperability of DER management system to at least two different platforms
  • Short integration process

Qualification Strategy

Test Specifications to this Test Case will address the PoI for a specific DER type. TS 20.1 covers PoI#2 and PoI#4 for PV systems directly within its testing scope, while providing the means to evaluate PoI#1 and PoI#3 based on the results accomplished by the previously integrated PV system.

Test Specification 20.1

Precise control of PV system operational settings (smart inverter) for reactive power and active power limitation on different aggregation platforms