Test Specification 19.01

Evaluation of unintended impacts of large amount of EVs under same distribution feeder participating on frequency regulation (FCR-n market in Finland)

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case

19 Evaluation of unintended impacts of activation of flexibility resources on the quality of supply

Title of Test

Evaluation of unintended impacts of large amount of EVs under same distribution feeder participating on frequency regulation (FCR-n market in Finland)

Test Rationale

Aim is to find out if activation of large amount of flexibility from electric vehicles in a local area could cause unintended impacts on the quality of supply.

Specific Test System (graphical)

The test system consists of a large distribution network, which includes customer loads, e.g. EVs and charging stations. There is also an underlying ICT infrastructure providing the control and price signal communication and the activation signals from an aggregator/DSO. The focal point is the OuI, which are the local or remote controller and the flexibility resource on the demand side, while the ICT infrastructure is assumed to operate normally implicitly.

Target measures

Voltage, Current, Harmonic Distortion.

Input and output parameters
  • Controllable input parameters: activation control of EVs, power of EVs
  • Uncontrollable input parameters: loading level, power
  • Measured parameters: voltage, current, distortion, frequency
Test Design

One hour participation in flexibility markets (e.g. in Frequency Regulation) with multiple electric vehicles in a local area. Number of EVs is variable as well as the power change capacity of individual EVs.

Initial system state

Initially none of the controlled EVs are in operation, but rest of the loads are in operation to reach an initially stability.

Evolution of system state and test signals

A random amount of EVs in random locations of the distribution grid will be activated and after the reaching new equilibrium the process is repeated.

Other parameters

Frequency measurement, time of day, time of week, weather, SoC of EVs.

Temporal resolution

1 sec time resolution.

Source of uncertainty

EV user behaviour, willingness to participate in demand response.

Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria

If after the initial state there are no EVs controlled within a couple of cycles or if the response to the activation causes the system to become unstable and unable to reach stability again.