Test Case 19

Evaluation of unintended impacts of activation of flexibility resources on the quality of supply





Merkebu Zenebe, Tesfaye Amare, Petra Raussi, Aro Matti




ERIGrid 2.0



Test Case Definition

Name of the Test Case

Evaluation of unintended impacts of activation of flexibility resources on the quality of supply


Flexibility services have the potential to negatively affect local power quality. These unintended impacts might be a result of large amounts of flexibility resources and related power electronics under same distribution feeder.

Unintended impacts might also result from mis use of flexibility controllers if an attacker is able to breach the communication between controller and flexibility resource.

Unintended impact is evaluated mainly on the quality of supply but also on the ICT connections.

Function(s) under Investigation (FuI)

The function under investigation is the activation of flexibility resources.

Object under Investigation (OuI)
  • Local or Remote controller
  • The communication infrastructure between the controller and the flexibility resource.
  • A flexibility resource on the demand side.
Domain under Investigation (DuI)
  • Electric Power system
  • ICT/Control System
Purpose of Investigation (PoI)

PoI#1: Characterization of impacts of activation flexibility resources on QoS

PoI#2: Characterization of the communication technologies used for flexibility activation for their vulnerabilities towards misuse case.

System under Test (SuT)

The test system includes large distribution network, customer loads with variety of flexibility resources (shiftable loads, hot water tanks, home EV charging stations …etc). In addition, an aggregator/DSO with responsibility of activation of flexibility resources implicitly or explicitly. The underlying ICT infrastructure for both control and price signal communication is also part of the test system.

Functions under Test (FuT)
  • DSO function: Peak shaving
  • Customer function: Load generation balancing / maximize self-consumption
  • Energy retailer function: day ahead market participation
  • TSO function: frequency regulation
Test criteria (TCR)
  • The flexibility resources shall be able to provide the requested service on time and within the requested capacity (PoI#1)
  • The activation of flexibility resources shall not increase network losses, voltage quality problems or additional peaks in the network (PoI#1)
  • The communication infrastructure in place shall not create new vulnerabilities for mis use cases. Also, it shall communicate control and price signals with acceptable level of latency. (PoI#2)
Target Metrics (TM)

Flexibility service-related metrics:

  • Capacity (MW)
  • Duration (t)
  • Ramp rate (dP/dT)

Unintended impact related metrics:

  • Network loss (reactive power flow) (kWh)
  • Overloading of network components (% of rating)
  • Blackout probability (Load Altering Attack related metrics, in relation to natural frequency of grid, possibility for frequent switching?)

Communication infrastructure related metrics (adequacy):

  • Latency
  • Packet loss
Variability Attributes (VA)
  • Type and volume of flexibility resources
  • Type and requirements of service requests
  • Electrical grid configuration
  • Peak/off-peak time (affects the probability of creating local peaks)
  • Cyber-attack behaviors
  • Type of communication technology used and traffic behaviors:
  • Failure rate of components
Quality Attributes (QA)
  • For voltage quality measurements, the measured value should not be below 0.95 pu ? or above 1.05 pu?
  • Total harmonic distortion
  • Vulnerability for LAA (Pass/fail)
  • Overloading (%rating) threshold varies for transformers, overhead lines and underground cables.

Qualification Strategy

PoI#1 is met with Test Specification 19.01 and PoI#2 with Test Specification 19.02.

Test Specification 19.01

Evaluation of unintended impacts of large amount of EVs under same distribution feeder participating on frequency regulation (FCR-n market in Finland)

Test Specification 19.02

Evaluation of the impact of ICT support system for flexibility activation on the quality of supply.