Test Specification 18.02

Evaluating the provision of regulatory aggregator services under irregularities after network disruptions or errors in forecast/measurement

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case

TC18 Evaluation of various service definitions and activation patterns

Title of Test

Evaluating the provision of regulatory aggregator services under irregularities after network disruptions or errors in forecast/measurement

Test Rationale

This test investigates aggregator services that are involved in regulating the grid properties towards desired values in case of emerging deviations:

  • Coordinated voltage control
  • Fast frequency response
  • Virtual inertia provision

In the process, the individual activation patterns of the services undergo assessment. Simulation software provides the various auxiliary services required for their functionality:

  • Collection of updated capabilities from DERs
  • Evaluation of automatic restoration reserve provision by DERs, storage units and controllable loads
  • Computation of optimal and feasible P/Q set-point
  • Verification of actual P/Q produced and possible recalculation

ICT-related effects are abstracted as activation delays, making this an “idealized” case.

Specific Test System

This Test Specification requires a simulator of a grid (MV/LV distribution network or single LV distribution feeder) with several connected DERs / storage units.

Target measures
  • Safe and robust voltage for all nodes: Direct voltage operating regions not violated
  • Frequency restoration time: <120sec
  • Steady-state deviation: <0.1Hz
  • Reserves availability (power/energy): >20%
  • DERs curtailment: <30%
  • Loads curtailment: <5%
Input and output parameters

Uncontrollable input parameters:

  • Grid topology
  • Generation and load profiles
  • DER controllers parameters
  • Tie-line exchange specifications

Controllable input parameters:

  • Voltage set-point
  • Frequency set-point
  • Load value

Output parameters:

  • Node voltages
  • Power losses
Test Design

The test considers several consecutive imbalances and voltage/frequency deviations in order to sufficiently evaluate the capability of the voltage/frequency control system to cope with such incidents. The following border cases are defined:

  • Maximally decrease input voltage/frequency, use constant voltage/frequency set-point
  • Maximally increase input voltage/frequency, use constant voltage/frequency set-point
  • Decrease voltage/frequency set-point from maximal to minimal value, do not artificially vary input voltage/frequency
  • Increase voltage/frequency set-point from minimal to maximal value, do not artificially vary input voltage/frequency
  1. The operating set-points are determined.
  2. The output stabilizes.
  3. The input voltage/frequency and/or the set-points are varied according to the current border case.
  4. The test criteria are assessed.
  5. Steps 2-4 are repeated until the testing of each predefined border case was concluded.
Initial system state

Initial power flow conditions:

  • The voltage/frequency value (output) matches the voltage/frequency set-point.
  • The combination of the RES units should provide at least 20% of their nominal power.
  • The consumption of the loads should be at least 20% of the maximum consumption.
  • The imbalance should be under 5%.
Evolution of system state and test signals
  • At first, the system is sufficiently balanced with only a small amount of reserves (ideally zero) implemented and the voltage/frequency nominal.
  • An imbalance emerges which leads to a significant voltage/frequency deviation and the consequent activation of a large part of reserves after a simulated communication delay.
  • Consumption or production changes in order to reduce the variation.
  • Subsequent disturbances emerge either before or after the restoration of voltage/frequency to its nominal value.
  • Having started at Inp0, the voltage/frequency changes up to Val1, then down to Val2 etc. with varying step sizes (St1, St2, ...). For example, changes to the frequency could occur with a fixed ramp rate and amplitude.
  • The test is successful if load voltage/frequency is always regulated within its operating interval [TOL-, TOL+].
Other parameters


Temporal resolution

The simulation is continuous, with time step sizes depending on the software experiment:

  • Time constants inside SuT in-between 50 μs and 5 s
  • Monitoring quantities with a maximum sampling time of 0.1 sec.
  • Internal time resolution of communication simulation
Source of uncertainty
  • Grid parameters variability (i.e., resistance/inductance ratio)
  • Timing deviations, communication delays
  • Consumers’ demand
  • Environmental conditions
Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria
  • Restoration and stabilization of regular network behavior and properties (according to power quality standard EN50160)
  • Passage of predetermined critical amount of time
  • Violation of quality attributes
  • Deviation from initial conditions during start