Test Specification 18.01

Evaluation of system services and activation patterns after functional disruption in the local grid

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case

TC18 Evaluation of various service definitions and activation patterns

Title of Test

Evaluation of system services and activation patterns after functional disruption in the local grid

Test Rationale

Aim is to evaluate system services and connected activation patterns of an aggregator platform during and/or after a functional disruption in the near location (e.g., Fault Ride Through, blackstart assistance, virtual inertia provision)

Specific Test System (graphical)
Target measures

The test scenarios serve the validation of continuous service provision under various disruptions and system settings.

Input and output parameters

Control signal before and after the disruption as an input. Active power as an output.

Test Design

30 minute long simulation period during which a disruption is introduced that breaks the connection of communication and/or electricity from aggregator/public grid.

Initial system state

Initially the system service is operating normally and the grid is functioning without disruptions.

Evolution of system state and test signals

A disruption is introduced. Communication and/or grid connection is momentarily lost. System(s) providing the flexibility service is then evaluated to see if nornal operation can be established again.

Other parameters

communication latency, communication signal, voltage and current observed from the DER(s)

Temporal resolution

1 second resolution

Source of uncertainty

Only certain amount of different kind of disruptions can be tested for. In other words, everything cannot be tested.

Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria

30 minutes or permanent loss of communication and/or grid connection