Test Specification TC17.TS2

Characterization of recovery from failure

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case


Title of Test

Characterization of recovery from failure

Test Rationale

This test will characterize the response of the fault recovery mechanism. The results obtained will also allow a performance comparison with the baseline system.

Specific Test System (graphical)

Target measures
  • Time to restoration of service delivery
  • Deviation of service delivered from service requested
Input and output parameters
  • Input: Level of base load [kW]
  • Input: Service requested (by DSO) to dispatch unit
  • Input: Time of fault occurrence [s]
  • Output: Active power production/consumption at individual DERs [kW]
  • Output: Active power sum flow at grid connection [kW]
Test Design

The test can be performed as a hardware experiment, a simulation experiment or a combination of the two.

  • Configure grid, DER units and base load to bring system into initial state (t=t0)
  • At t=t1, request a load relief service from the dispatch unit, wait for aggregators to activate DER units. Measure the effectiveness of the service delivery (impact on grid) after stabilization.
  • At t=t2, command fault simulator to disrupt communication to aggregator 1
  • Determine the points in time t=t3 where the dispatch unit has noticed the fault, and t=t4 where aggregator 2 has rescheduled.
  • Continuously measure the effectiveness of the service delivery in order to determine the disruption to service delivery during t3<t<t4.
  • Verify that the effectiveness of service delivery after t4 is comparable to before the fault (t<t2).
Initial system state
  • No service requested by dispatch unit
  • All DERs in neutral state (not delivering a service)
  • Feeder in overload condition by combined baseload+DER consumption
  • Fault simulator in bypass state (no fault)
Evolution of system state and test signals
  • Base load continues to change, following e.g. a random pattern
  • Aggregator response tracks changes in base load
  • Dispatch unit moves from “service delivery” to “fault recovery” and back to “service delivery”
Other parameters
Temporal resolution

Electrical system measurements: 1s. Logging of ICT events (messages exchanged, communication fault event etc.) using timestamps with at least 1ms resolution.

Source of uncertainty

Residual time synchronization difference between ICT entities

Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria

Elapsed time (fixed length experiment)