Test Specification TC14.TS2

Synthetic inertia and fast frequency response/control provided by converter-based resources: power system stability assessment.

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case


Title of Test

Synthetic inertia and fast frequency response/control provided by converter-based resources: power system stability assessment.

Test Rationale

The test aims to verify that power converters limit the ROCOF and the frequency deviation considering also the variability attributes (Frequency variation, voltage set-point, voltage and current harmonics, measures accuracy, interaction between each power converter providing FFR and SI and other components, grid parameter, communication and controller delay).

Specific Test System (graphical)

IEEE 9 bus

Target measures

Power and frequency measures time series of each power converter.

Input and output parameters

Production and consumption profiles, FCR, FFR and SI control mode ON/OFF, power baseline, number of power converters, mechanical inertia.

Test Design

The test design is the same of the TC14.TS1 but consumption and non-controllable production will be change instead of frequency.

Initial system state

Frequency: 50 Hz

Power baseline: at least three different initial states; one with lower power exchange, one with medium power exchange and one with high power exchange.

Evolution of system state and test signals

Consumption or production change in order to have the same frequency variation of the TC14.TS1.

Other parameters

See variability attributes.

Temporal resolution

At least 0.1 ms.

Source of uncertainty

Measures accuracy in case of non-simulation experiments.

Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria

Disconnection of one or more components and/or frequency instability.