Experiment Specification TC14.TS1.ES1

Pure Hardware test: validation of the FFR and SI functionalities of a power converter.

Experiment Specification Definition



Reference to Test Specification


Title of Experiment

Pure Hardware test: validation of the FFR and SI functionalities of a power converter.

Research Infrastructure

DER-TF (RSE, Milan)

Experiment Realisation

The power converter controller will be implemented on the DSpace controller that commands the power converter “Conv1_DCgrid”. The control functions are developed in Simulink.

Another power converter “Conv_Li-ion battery”, connected to the “Conv1_DCgrid” through a line of 200 m, set voltage and frequency. No other electrical components are connected to this experiment setup.

The voltage and current measurements are provided by two PMUs installed at the electrical output of each power converters.

The power converter "Conv_Li-ion battery” will set different frequency values following the “Evolution of system state and test signals” description in TC14.TS1 with a pause between every change of about 20 s.

Experiment Setup (concrete lab equipment)

Experimental Design and Justification

The Pure Hardware experiment aims to validate the ability of the power converter “Conv1_DCgrid” to provide FFR and SI functionalities considering the real behavior of a controller and a power converter of medium size (100 kVA).

Precision of equipment and measurement uncertainty

PMU uncertainties: u(I) = 1.5 A; u(V) = 1 V; u(f) = 5 mHz.

Power converter precision: 0.5 V; 0.01 Hz.

Storage of experiment data

Data are collected on a local PC on a txt file every second with a sample time of 0.1 ms.