Test Specification TC14.TS1

Synthetic inertia and fast frequency response/control provided by converter-based resources: validating the FFR and SI control.

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case


Title of Test

Synthetic inertia and fast frequency response/control provided by converter-based resources: validating the FFR and SI control.

Test Rationale

The validation of the FFR and SI control allows to evaluate the ability of the converter to provide these functions, considering also the variability attributes (Frequency variation, power set-point, voltage and current harmonics, measures accuracy).

Specific Test System (graphical)

This TS requires a grid simulator and one power converter with the OuI.

Target measures

Power and frequency measures time series of the power converter under test.

Input and output parameters

Frequency set-point, FCR, FFR and SI control mode ON/OFF, Power baseline.

Test Design

A simulation and/or a pure hardware experiment can be performed. A Pure hardware experiment is recommended but, with some assumption, also a simpler experiment can be performed.

The test design for verifying the PoI 1 is the following:

  • Set the starting frequency to the grid simulator and the power baseline to the power converter.
  • Change the frequency (with a fixed ramp rate and amplitude) and log the power converter measurements.
  • Repeat the previous step until quality attributes will be achieved.
Initial system state

Frequency: 50 Hz

Power baseline: at least three different initial states; one with lower power exchange, one with medium power exchange and one with high power exchange.

Evolution of system state and test signals

From 50 Hz up to 51.5 Hz, then down to 47.5 Hz with different step size (0.1 Hz, 0.25, 0.5 Hz).

Other parameters

See variability attributes.

Temporal resolution

At least 0.1 ms.

Source of uncertainty

Measures accuracy in case of non-simulation experiments.

Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria

Disconnection of the power converter.