Test Case 13

Characterization of hydrogen storage scale for power systems support and services.





Petra Raussi, Olli Himanen




ERIGrid 2.0



Test Case Definition

Name of the Test Case

Characterization of hydrogen storage scale for power systems support and services.


The amount of volatile renewable energy generated to the power system is rapidly increasing emphasizing the need for proper storage solutions to harness all the produced renewable energy. Without sensible storage solutions the overproduction of renewable energy cannot be used and we need to default back to fossil fuels. While for short term storage batteries and other storage solution in the power systems are crucial, in long term the most promising storage solutions can be found via sector coupling of electrical and hydrogen grids in combination with salvaging the heat produced in the conversion processes and fed to the district heating networks. This test case focuses especially at assessing the potential of different storage solutions based on their scale and cost benefits.

Function(s) under Investigation (FuI)

Hydrogen storage provides a long-term solution for storing renewable energy and also potentially could participate to the reserve markets depending on the reaction time.

Object under Investigation (OuI)

Hydrogen storages of different scales.

Domain under Investigation (DuI)
  • Electrical
  • Hydrogen
  • Heat
Purpose of Investigation (PoI)

Characterize the optimal scale for hydrogen storage to be integrated with power systems and also provide potentially services to the reserve markets.

System under Test (SuT)

SuT comprises of electrical grid, hydrogen network and heat network. The electrical system includes a medium (?) voltage grid with battery storage and renewable generation with integration to reserve markets. The hydrogen network will include fuel cells, conversion gas power plants, hydrogen storages. The heat network will include components for conversion to from the other networks and heat loads.

Functions under Test (FuT)
  • electrical and hydrogen exchange at the PCC (point of common coupling)
  • storing of hydrogen and reaction time to access
Test criteria (TCR)

TCR aims to optimize the scale of the hydrogen storage to support power system and provide potentially balancing power to the power systems while also considering sustainability and cost benefits.

Target Metrics (TM)
  • electrical and hydrogen exchange
  • capacity of hydrogen storage
  • reaction time of exchange
Variability Attributes (VA)
  • capacity of hydrogen storage
  • material and life cycle aspects of the hydrogen
  • activation of exchange
  • demand (electrical and hydrogen)
  • renewable generation
  • electricity market price
Quality Attributes (QA)
  • sustainability of hydrogen storage lower than traditional solutions
  • cost of hydrogen storage not covered by earned profits

Qualification Strategy

There are three (3) Test Specifications to assess the scale of the hydrogen storage to meet the PoI. TS13.01 considers existing empty storage suitable for hydrogen, TS13.02 considers specifically extracted hydrogen storage and TS13.03 considers separate metal containers as a storage option.

Test Specification 13.01

Verification of large scale existing hydrogen storage for power system support