Test Specification TC11.TS02

Local controller responds to service requests from aggregator controller

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case


Title of Test

Local controller responds to service requests from aggregator controller

Test Rationale

This test characterizes district operation with and without Booster Heater Controller and Electric Storage Controller active, seeking to demonstrate that the local controllers respond to service requests from the aggregator controller.

Specific Test System (graphical)

The system under test includes an electrical system, a district heating system and a control system. Each is sketched below.

Thermal system

The block called “Row Houses” consists of multiple small loads which are aggregated into a single, larger load.

Electrical system

Note, that only loads which are marked in red are inside the quarter under control. All buses are taken to be P-Q buses, with the grid acting as the slack bus. Rings 3-5 are summarized, as no buses are inside the district.

Control domain coupling

The distribution grid management does not form part of the system under test, but are taken as exogenous signals.

Target measures

See Test Design.

Input and output parameters
  • P_PCC: Measured apparent electrical import at the district electrical network point of common coupling [kWe]
  • Q_PCC: Measured heat import at the district heating network point of common coupling [kWq]
  • P_booster: Measured electrical active power consumption of district booster heater [kWe]
Test Design

The test comprises 24 hours of district operation. During these 24 hours, the heat pump controller is asked to keep the forward temperature of the connected pipe above 70ºC.

Further, these services are requested of the Aggregator by the Distribution Grid Management:

  • for 07:00 to 09:00, keep district electrical consumption below P_import_limit kW..
  • for 11:00 to 14:00, keep district electrical consumption above P_export_limit kW.
  • for 17:00 to 19:00, keep district electrical consumption below P_import_limit kW

where these limits are defined as below.

The test consists of several runs:

  1. no service signal sent
  2. service signals sent
  3. gamma = 1.0
  4. gamma = 0.95
  5. gamma = 0.90
  6. gamma = 0.85
  7. gamma = 0.80

By comparing these runs, whether the controllers respond to service requests can be established.

For run 1, set:

  • P_import_limit = inf,
  • P_export_limit = -inf
  • gamma=1.0.

For subsequent runs (given the 99% quantile of district electrical import P_i_99 and the 1% quantile of district electrical import, P_i_1), the system is asked to restrict its import relative to the uncontrolled base case:

  • P_export_limit= gamma * P_i_1 kWe
  • P_import_limit = gamma* P_i_99 kWe,
Initial system state
  • each component is initialized to the state given in the associated dataset
  • the battery state of charge is set to 50% of nomimal energy
  • the district heating system is allowed to relax to a steady state with the heat pump turned off
Evolution of system state and test signals

Test signals:

  • P_import_limit: District electrical consumption bound requested from battery/EV units [kWe]
  • P_export_limit: District electrical export bound requested from heating units [kWe]
  • gamma: Scaling factor for district import and export [n.u.]
Other parameters


Temporal resolution

The test is run at a fixed time step of 10 seconds.

Source of uncertainty

Since the exact electrical demand signal consists of a deterministic trend and a randomized factor, each “run” above should be repeated 10 times, with the mean and standard deviation of each target metric recorded.

Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria