Test Specification TC9.TS01

Characterisation of direct method

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case


Title of Test

Characterisation of direct method

Test Rationale

The goal of this Test is to evaluate the performance of a direct congestion management method. The results of the developed congestion forecasting model will be compared to the actual values to assess its accuracy. Afterwards, the efficiency of the method will be evaluated in terms of target metrics specified in the Test Case description.

Specific Test System (graphical)

The Test System includes a LV (0.4 kV) network with realistic data provided by a local utility company. This network consists of three feeders with various loads and PV systems connected along the feeders.

Target measures

Voltages, currents of all grid components.

Input and output parameters

Weather conditions (hence DER production), grid topology, household load profiles, controllable generation production

Test Design
  • Initialize the simulation, achieving a steady state condition;
  • Keep the simulation running with the feeding load and generation profiles in order to create several congestion conditions (peak of load or peak of generation) over the whole simulation run
  • Evaluate the results of the test in terms of transformer loading power, flexibility procured by the DSO, and procurement cost in two cases with and without the congestion management functionality in the DMS controller
  • Reinitialize the simulation and repeat the test with different congestion condition.
Initial system state

Transformer and feeders loading in permissible ranges.

Evolution of system state and test signals

The evolution of the congestion at the MV/LV transformer is illustrated in the figure below:

The evolution of the system state is shown in the figures below:

Solar profile:

Wind profile:

Other parameters


Temporal resolution

15 minutes

Source of uncertainty

Measurement uncertainty

Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria

Low accuracy of the congestion classification model during the training process, i.e., less than 80%

Experiment Specification TC9.TS01.ES01

Co-simulation for performance evaluation of direct congestion management method