Test Specification TC8.TS01

Validation of the performance of a MAS and PV systems in providing grid voltage control functionality

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case


Title of Test

Validation of the performance of a MAS and PV systems in providing grid voltage control functionality

Test Rationale

The test allows us to evaluate the ability of a MAS and PV systems to provide the functionalities of voltage control when the variation of grid voltage happens. How the agents receive measurement signals, communicate with each other, process received signals, and return the output controlling signals should be evaluated. Moreover, the performance of PV systems in responding to the controlling signals imposed by their respective agents should also be taken into account and to what extent they meet the reactive power exchange capability characteristic.

Specific Test System (graphical)

Target measures
  • Communication signals between agents
  • Active and reactive power outputs of PV inverters
  • Voltage on different nodes
Input and output parameters

Input parameters:

  • PV active and reactive output powers
  • Grid voltage
  • Load consumption

Output parameters:

  • Signals exchanged between agents
  • PV active and reactive output powers
  • Grid voltage
Test Design

Vary the PV output power and also load consumption until the voltage deviations at several locations in the studied grid go beyond the permissible ranges

Initial system state

Voltages at all nodes in the grids are closed to 1 p.u.

Evolution of system state and test signals

The voltages on various nodes increase or decrease as a result of the variation of PV production and load consumption

Other parameters


Temporal resolution

ms to seconds

Source of uncertainty
  • Accuracy of measuring units
  • Communication delay
Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria

Detection of abnormal operating conditions, communication failure of MAS