Test Case 5

Power efficiency characterisation of PhotoVoltaic (PV) inverters





Evangelos Rikos




ERIGrid 2.0-NA4



Test Case Definition

Name of the Test Case

Power efficiency characterisation of PhotoVoltaic (PV) inverters


The scope of this test case is the investigation of a PV inverter’s ability to efficiently convert the PV electric power from DC to its AC form. Under normal (steady-state) conditions on the grid’s side the inverter should always maximize its power injection to the grid so that better exploitation of the solar potential is achieved. The normal operation entails that other services or functionality, that the inverter could potentially provide, such as droop control of active/reactive power or intentional power curtailment, do not act during the test. The efficiency characterization of the PV inverter in this test comes down to two main aspects of operation: on the one hand, the power/energy efficiency of the power converter and, on the other hand, the capability of the Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) to detect the actual maximum power of the PV array.

Function(s) under Investigation (FuI)
  • Power conversion
  • Maximum Power Point Tracker
Object under Investigation (OuI)
  • Photovoltaic Inverter
Domain under Investigation (DuI)
  • Electrical
  • Environment
Purpose of Investigation (PoI)
  • PoI#1: Characterisation of power converter efficiency
  • PoI#2: Characterisation of MPPT accuracy
System under Test (SuT)

In this TC the System-under-Test is the PV inverter which is connected on one end to the PV array and on other to the AC distribution grid.

Functions under Test (FuT)
  • PV conversion (Current-Voltage characteristic of the PV array)
  • Droop controllers for Active/Reactive power adjustment when the inverter is equipped with this functionality
Test criteria (TCR)
  • Power/energy efficiency
  • MPPT accuracy
Target Metrics (TM)
  • Ratio of output versus input power:


  • Ratio of input power versus maximum theoretical PV power:


Variability Attributes (VA)

Fully Controllable attributes:

  • Solar irradiation (varies gradually from 0 to 1200 W/m2)
  • Ambient temperature (it can vary from –20oC to +50oC)
  • PV array asymmetrical operation (e.g., partial shading) (varies stepwise)
  • Grid voltage and frequency (constant, e.g., 230V/50Hz)
  • PV modules parameters
  • PV array configuration
Quality Attributes (QA)
  • Sampling time of signals (Power flows): <=1 s
  • Resolution: 0.1% of maximum output (AC) power
  • Points of measurement:
    • One point at the AC output of the inverter
    • One point at the DC input of the inverter
  • PDC,min=5% of rated power
  • PDC,max=110% of rated power
  • Vmin<VDC<Vmax (the minimum and maximum voltage depends on the inverter specification provided by the manufacturer)

Qualification Strategy

The two PoIs of the selected TC can be addressed through two separate Test Specifications, partly in a combined way. In particular, in order to characterise the inverter’s efficiency (PoI#1) one test procedure (TS1) is required in which the SuT is tested under a wide range of irradiance variation. During this test the irradiance varies in a way that allows for the inverter to reach stability (e.g., not during fast moving clouds). For each stable operation point the input (DC) and output (AC) power values of the inverter are recorded and used for the calculation of the efficiency. Together with the converter efficiency the evaluation of the MPPT accuracy (PoI#2) can partly be obtained. The way to do this is the following: For each measuring point the maximum available power of the PV array is either calculated or measured and used in combination with the actual DC power at the inverter input in order to assess the accuracy of the MPPT algorithm. This test presumes the balanced operation of all PV modules in the array. Such operation leads to a smooth I-V characteristic which results in a P-V (power versus voltage) characteristic with one maximum point of power. However, a very interesting case can be the unbalanced operation of the PV modules which results not only in lower power but in a P-V characteristic with several maxima as well. The cause of such behaviour could be, for instance, partial shading over the PV array. As a consequence, in order to characterise the MPPT accuracy in a more holistic manner, a separate test (TS2) is required for the investigation of the inverter operation under unbalanced conditions on the PV array side.

Test Specification 5.01

Power efficiency and MPPT accuracy under balanced conditions

Experiment Specification 5.01.01

Power efficiency and MPPT accuracy under various operating conditions

Test Specification 5.02

MPPT accuracy under unbalanced/partial shading conditions