Test Specification 3.01

Cloud-based real-time supervision and voltage regulation ancillary services for PV systems

Test Specification Definition



Reference to Test Case


Title of Test

Cloud-based real-time supervision and voltage regulation ancillary services for PV systems

Test Rationale

Design and demonstration of a grid-edge PV PPC that processes real-time signals from a cloud-based system for centralized supervision and localized voltage regulation at the PCC

Specific Test System (graphical)

Target measures
  • Observability of PV system and smart meter data
  • Voltage regulation at PCC
  • Centralized active power limitation of smart inverters
  • PV system active and reactive power control
Input and output parameters

Input parameters:

  • Smart meter voltage at PCC
  • PV inverter Volt-Watt and Volt-VAR control characteristic curves

Output parameters:

  • Immediate smart inverter connection/disconnection signal
  • Smart meter voltage, frequency, apparent, active and reactive power
  • PV system active and reactive power
Test Design
  • Variation of PV system generated power
  • Implementation of different control methods
Initial system state
  • Voltage close to 1 pu
  • Unregulated PV system operating at maximum power point (MPP) mode
Evolution of system state and test signals
  • Measurement of increase/decrease of voltage at PCC
  • Increase/decrease of active and reactive power with respect to voltage magnitude
Other parameters


Temporal resolution

1 second

Source of uncertainty
  • Uncertainty of smart meter voltage measurements (0.5%)
  • Uncertainty of smart inverter power measurements (1%)
Suspension criteria / Stopping criteria
  • Abnormal over or under voltage conditions